
Saturday 27th August 2022

Took these photos last night. 48 hours after Mollys arrival her past is history ... already she is a different dog .. Happy girl...

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Saturday 27th August 2022

Young Molly at Yatton Vets this morning . Vet nurses Libby and Stacy were waiting to greet us and could not resist a cuddle . We have a course of action for Molly Today starts the first of her Malaseb baths. She is booked in for a dental on Tuesday morning as one of her back teeth is damaged and needs to come out ..she also has an infection so will keep her off kibble for a bit till her mouth is sorted. Vet also agreed age wise Molly is 8-9 months old. Last night Molly slept in her own bed with a lovely blanket besides Roxie and Rosie who have taken it upon themselves to look after her…

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Thursday 25th August 2022

Darcie was adopted mid July and you may remember she had had problems with incontinence which was showing signs of improvement on medication prescribed by our vets..however after a short while Darcie started to leak small amounts which gradually increased and was continually licking herself.... We asked her new owners to contact our vets who advised a referral to Langford vets. After investigations including bloods tests, urinalysis ... ultrasound and computed tomography scan were supportive of a diagnosis of a left intramural ectopic ureter. An appointment was made for Darcie to go in for Cystoscopy and laser ablation. The difference this has made to Darcie has been incredible.... her new owners have said she is like a new…

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Roxie & Rosie

Thursday 25th August 2022

Eli & Ben

Wednesday 24th August 2022

Eli has Neosporis and has rigid hind legs with no muscle. However he is very able bodied and has great quality of life here with us. Here he is with young Ben...

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Wednesday 24th August 2022

An email received yesterday from the people who adopted Jake the Labrador a few years ago .. Wonderful to see how far this boy has come on and truly living the dream... I asked them if they would just pop a few words together.... and it reads as thus... Jake came to us a few years ago and joined our pack of labs, cockers and terriers, fitting in so easily and enjoying our home and surroundings next to the moors. With ongoing training he has become a real asset on shoot days, first on grouse, the partridges and pheasants. He works so well and is very obedient. He has given us so much pleasure and we hope we have given him the life he…

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Tuesday 23rd August 2022

Well Little Willow's holiday has come to an end as her owners return this evening and will be picking her up early tomorrow morning. ( holiday was already booked pre willows adoption) Willow has been a superstar and a joy to have ... a young pup with character and a smile permanently on her beautiful face. She mixed well with all the dogs and just went with the flow ... she came with me to collect Ben the Lab, loved her walks , slept sound at night with Roxie and Rosie .. an absolute joy ... (Please note we do not offer home boarding) .. It was an a honour and our pleasure to have this healthy happy little…

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Sunday 21st August 2022

Over the past week it has become very clear that Roxie & Rosie are very much a bonded pair. They are very loving girls with wonderful temperaments and will make wonderful pets. They have adapted so well to life here and are a joy. They love their food and sleep sound all night. Rosie's skin is looking a lot better and her temperature has gone down so we will get them both booked in for their spay. I would like the girls to be rehomed together..I feel they have both endured enough. They both have so much to offer

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Friday 19th August 2022

Meet Ben who has been with us a few days ... A young Labrador pup aged approx 16 weeks ! Confused , bewildered of the happenings in his short life ! Ben was very nervous on arrival but once he saw the dogs he was ecstatic ! Introductions went very well and he soon made himself comfortable ... ! Ben is a boisterous bouncy puppy who needs to learn boundaries .. having said that he has done extremely well. He is Eating very well and has slept sound each night in his own bed.. he has adapted well to our routine. Loves being outside, loves people, very affectionate ! At the moment he is…

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Monday 15th August 2022

I have a little visitor for a week whilst her owners are on a special occasion holiday which was already booked pre adopting Willow Many of you will remember little Willow abandoned on a verge near a busy main road .. she was skeletal and was hand fed ... her past is history.. look at her now❤️❤️❤️ Willow arrived yesterday and remembered all the dogs especially Dinky and Eli... she made friends with Roxie and Rosie who both wanted to take her under their wing! Last night Willow slept with Rosie and Roxie at the bottom of the stairs and we never heard a sound ... This morning we were out early and together we watched the sun kiss the…

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Sunday 14th August 2022

Update on Bailey the Irish Water Spaniel x Cocker Spaniel who adores his owner who incidentally is head over heels with Bailey .. Bailey has off leads periods and is doing very well on recall.. This boys life has turned around with someone who really understands him ... beautiful photos

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Sunday 14th August 2022

Update on Young Ernie. (was Charlie) who has settled in very well and Is showing Bella he can be as fast and sharp as her when it comes to ball play ... he is loving life by the sea. Two fabulous Buddy's dogs in a wonderful home.

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