Friday 30th September 2022

Willow (Suzie's Mum). Currently in foster with the owner of Chapel Farm Canine Physio and Hydrotherapy Centre . Willow has been spayed and yesterday started her vaccination course. She is a very loving girl and is currently on a gentle exercise programme to help build up her muscles ... she could not be in a better place at the moment .

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Tuesday 27th September 2022

Suzie is in for her spay today, plus X-rays on her legs, she has a large bony lump on her lower front right .. she also has one on her front left but not as big .... Suzie is wary of people she does not know reaching out to touch her .. (absolutely fine with us) so to help her and the vets I have spent time muzzle training her which she accepts happily. Daily we have seen a huge change in her character .. from a dont come near me attitude to now reaching out for love and affection and as I come down stairs first thing in the morning her joy is priceless ! Suzie was…

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Tuesday 27th September 2022

Flo showing what she is made of with Paws For Conservation What a superstar ❤️

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Tuesday 27th September 2022

Fizz proved to be a very popular girl and is currently on trial with a couple with another dog ... Fizz is settling into her new home very well ... Pip their other dog also came from the same background as Fizz so potential new owners have experience ofworking with dogs that need that little bit extra .. (Pip was also adopted from us and was known as Jimmy (one of the Bristol 3) Fizz is loving her home comforts, canine companion, Toys !! and potential new owners who are enjoying her! Wishing her all the love in the world and a successful trial period

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Recognise this beauty?

Monday 26th September 2022

She arrived in December 2021 after being dumped with another dog ..... and given a Christmas name !!! If you saw her photos you would not believe this was the same girl ... Wow! Wow! Wow! Amazing !

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Livi (Olive)

Sunday 25th September 2022

Little Livi ( was Olive) now ready to take the agility world by storm ... Looking forward to following her progress ... I think she will do very well!

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Saturday 24th September 2022

Roo with big brother and best friend Bobby .. A perfect environment for this little pup ... (I love this photo ❤️)

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Saturday 24th September 2022

When you know you placed the dog into the right environment.... Bailey the Cocker Spaniel X Irish Water Spaniel Look at this boy ❤️ Photograph taken by a gentleman practicing his photography skills.. and forwarded photo to owner of Bailey ..

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Thursday 22nd September 2022

Roxie and Rosie have been reserved after a very successful viewing in their home to be ... with new owners very excited about their arrival ..... we were prepared to wait for the right home ... and their home found us ....

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Thursday 22nd September 2022

Young Molly has been Adopted A beautiful young pup who was an absolute delight to have here.. she ticked every box. Many will remember the state of Molly when she arrived... but that is all in the past .. What a beautiful girl Molly turned into.. Stunning ! she has settled into her forever home and in her owners words it feels as though she has been with them forever and they adore her. Molly you are such a wonderful little girl and I have lovely memories of you . It was our pleasure to have you here. Be happy little girl and enjoy all the love and attention.,you deserve it x

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Wednesday 21st September 2022

Fudge .... A journey in Photos ..... Fudge arrived here end of August with two female Cocker Spaniels .. he was a stud dog , very lean ,no muscle, fear or being touched especially around his head neck , wary of people he does not know .. wanting to reach out but frightened ! I hope these photographs have captured the dog within !! The frightened boy within the right environment will do so well! Fudge pestered the life out of the girls .. ( understandably) and he underwent castration ...healed well ! Loved the one on one time out with toilet duty and short on lead walks .!! Problems started to…

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Bed Time

Saturday 17th September 2022

Yep ... it's bed time ! 4 beautiful girls Roxie , Rosie, Suzie, Fizz Suzie is not available for adoption as we have noted problems with her legs which needs to be looked into ... hopefully nothing major ... ! The girls had a long walk in the dusk to dark ... Owls hooting , bats flitting round . Their senses were awakened ! Now all content on their beds ... all sleep well .. ( all our dogs sleep well at night ) Goodnight one and all ....,

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