

Monday 3rd May 2021

Luna has had a successful trial period in her new home and settled in very well to her new surroundings and also with her new best friend Elvis. Within days they came back to me to say how much they loved her and were enjoying her company.
Whilst Luna was here with us she mixed in well with all the dogs, she was a joy to take out and also came on holiday with us to Cornwall for a week, she loved the company, the forest, the sand and the sea and she was a joy.
Whilst this was a very hard decision for her previous owner to make I would like to say Thank You for trusting us to safeguard the future of Luna. She has gone forward to a wonderful loving and knowledgeable home where she is very much loved.
Luna you were a joy to have here and I wish you a wonderful Happy Life ahead. Move forward and make lots of memories.
Luna's new owner Ellen owns
'All Seasons Physiotherapy' providing a service for Human, Horse & Dog.